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Wrangling data for different purposes

People used to say that data wrangling was the most time consuming topic in data scientists’ day-to-day job. You likely also heard that many data startups’ main value proposition is around saving people’s time with data wrangling. Regardless, the data scientists who are exploring new frontiers of data likely will still be wrangling data for years to come.

What is data wrangling?

Data wrangling is essentially the code that makes the data, from its current state, usable for your problem at hand. This problem appears because the optimal format for storage is often different from the optimal format for analysis, leading to a translation task between the two.

For example, to analyze productivity of a farm, we often look at yield, i.e. the amount of food produced divided by the amount of land used (acrage). The amount of land used is known early on from the planting data that also includes the timing of planting, the type of seeds planted, the amount of seeds planted, etc. The optimal format for storage requires flexibility for different types of data and storage efficiency (e.g. avoiding repeated values), in other words, not in a tabular format.

On the other hand, analysis would want the acrage on the same row as the production number, having a single number that represents planting and another for harvest (often planting and harvesting can span over multiple days). Here we optimizing for structure in the data that allows us to perform consistent analyses on the data.

Common wrangling tasks

Wrangling is often considered something you will learn on the job. The skills required are a familiarity with different data types, in particular, how to construct, subset, and aggregate values from them.

Long to wide data frames

One of the most common tasks is the translation between long and wide data frames, also known as pivoting.

Long and wide datasets are both rectangular data formats but long format data often stores a single measurement per row where a wide format would store multiple measurements per row that are related to the same entity. For example

Example long data:

patient_id variable value units
1 ‘height’ 178 ‘cm’
2 ‘height’ 166 ‘cm’
1 ‘weight’ 80 ‘kg’
1 ‘age’ 40 ‘year’
2 ‘age’ 30 ‘year’

The long data is similar to a “log” where each measurement is written down so it is not lost while waiting for other variables to be created.

Converting this long data frame to the equivalent form of wide data frame where each row is an individual would look like:

patient_id height_cm weight_kg age_year
1 178 80 40
2 166 NaN 30

To accomplish this task we use the following code:

import pandas as pd

long_df = pd.DataFrame([
  {'patient_id': 1, 'variable': 'height', 'value': 178, 'units': 'cm'},
  {'patient_id': 2, 'variable': 'height', 'value': 166, 'units': 'cm'},
  {'patient_id': 1, 'variable': 'weight', 'value': 80, 'units': 'kg'},
  {'patient_id': 1, 'variable': 'age', 'value': 40, 'units': 'year'},
  {'patient_id': 2, 'variable': 'age', 'value': 30, 'units': 'year'},
long_df['var_w_units'] = long_df.apply(lambda x: x['variable'] + '_' + x['units'], axis=1)

wide_df = pd.pivot(long_df,
    index='patient_id', columns='var_w_units', values='value').reset_index()


Wide to long data frames

Continuing our example from above, we could convert the wide data frame back to its long format. This can be necessary either because of package requirements (e.g. “tidy data”) or it is easier to convert into a different wide format by first converting it back to a long format.

Overall, wrangling into the long format (where each row represents one measurement), so you can imagine we are “melting” the column in the wide format into 2 columns, one with the column name and the other with the associated value.

id_vars = ['patient_id']
non_id_cols = [col for col in wide_df.columns
                if col not in id_vars]
long_df2 = pd.melt(
long_df2['variable'] = long_df2.var_w_units.apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[0])
long_df2['units'] = long_df2.var_w_units.apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[1])
long_df2.drop(columns='var_w_units', inplace=True)


Hierarchical data to tabular data

The most common data format on the internet is a hierarchical dataset often in a JSON format. nytimes_metadata_example.json gives an example of how one could store the metadata about 10 articles. The number of authors will likely be different so we cannot simply have a column for “author 1”, “author2”, etc since this will not apply to most records. Having all authors in a single column will defeat the purpose of storing data in a easy-to-analyze table format.

This is just again the conflict between formats suited for storage is not the same as formats suitable for analysis. Moreover, this usually results in data loss when we wrangle hierarchical data into tabular formats (not always).

For example, if I wanted to do an analysis on the authors, e.g. how many articles have they written? This question is easy if interpreted literally. However, likely people would dig into the articles and maybe request to only analyze non-OptEd articles (these are articles that are mostly just opinions from certain people and are not generally considered journalistic). To prevent possible work in the future, it’s better to include metadata beyond just the author/article information. Specifically, we should create a data frame, from nytimes_metadata_example.json, where each row was an author/article combination and the columns correspond to

The implication of each row being an author/article combination implies that if we have 3 authors for the same article, we would create 3 rows for that article.

Before we wrangle the data, the most important task is the understand the JSON data format and the specification for the resulting data frame. The final data frame should look something like

first_name middle_name last_name headline url section published_time
Bob M Doe breaking news: …. https://www.nytimes.com/…. OptEd 2018-05-15T05:23:11
Mary   Jane Hospitals in NYC are… https://www.nytimes.com/…. New York 2018-05-15T06:13:20

Now to understand the JSON data we will first do

import json

with open('nytimes_metadata_example.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
  meta = json.load(f)

type(meta)  # should be "list"
len(meta)   # should be 10

example_i = 0
article = meta[example_i]

type(article) # dictionary
len(article)  # 20

# dict_keys(['abstract', 'web_url', 'snippet', 'lead_paragraph',
#            'print_section', 'print_page', 'source', 'multimedia',
#            'headline', 'keywords', 'pub_date', 'document_type',
#            'news_desk', 'section_name', 'subsection_name', 'byline',
#            'type_of_material', '_id', 'word_count', 'uri'])
easy_keys = ['web_url', 'section_name', 'pub_date']
record = {k: article[k] for k in easy_keys}

  'main_headline': article['headline']['main']

name_vars = ['firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname']
person = article['byline']['person'][0]
record.update({key: person[key] if person[key] else ''
               for key in name_vars})
record_per_author = []
  'main_headline': article['headline']['main']

name_vars = ['firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname']
# person = article['byline']['person'][0]
for person in article['byline']['person']:
    record_copy = record.copy()
    record_copy.update({key: person[key] if person[key] else ''
                        for key in name_vars})

Do you know why we used dictionary.copy() in the for-loop? Try removing it and see what happens :) Now let’s scale it across articles.

records = []
for article in meta:
    record_per_author = []
      'main_headline': article['headline']['main']
    name_vars = ['firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname']
    # person = article['byline']['person'][0]
    for person in article['byline']['person']:
        record_copy = record.copy()
        record_copy.update({key: person[key] if person[key] else ''
                            for key in name_vars})

Finally we create the data frame from the list of dictionaries.

df = pd.DataFrame(records)

All these different steps expand on the previous one and should be built iteratively. One important key is to know that we’ve actually decided to create the data frame from a list of dictionaries when we started to construct a single record.

General recommendation

The best way to approach data wrangling is to have a clear picture of your data in its current state and its eventual state. Draw out a plan, and execute them step by step.

For long to wide and wide to long data frames, you should have example code ready for a function you feel comfortable with.