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A place to learn about statistics

Mapping functions

There’s an important alternative way of coding when we repeat tasks. Although for-loops is often the first technique taught in classes, they do not scale nicely with big data.

Big data, where the data is distributed across different machines, often cannot loop through every record in the data efficiently. If the operation on one record does not affect the other records’ outcome, then we could parallelize the operations instead of going through the records sequentially.

The parallelization part is often done via a map function that distributes the computation/code/function to different segments of the data. This is almost always followed by a reduce call, the part that cannot be parallelized, like putting the results in a single list.

Separating the different types of operations allows us to speed up the computation. For-loops often mix these operations together because we often append or update the same variable (an operation that cannot be parallelized if we care about the order of the output) within the for-loop as well as computation on separate records that could be parallelized.

For an example of separating the operations, imagine we had data across 3 machines, represented by the index in the list. Our goal is to calculate the total number of words with the substring 'tox'.

import re
from functools import reduce

records = [
    ['toxic', 'drug', 'medicine'],
    ['healthy', 'chemistry', 'toxicology'],
    ['botox', 'toxicity']]

def count_words(words, pattern):
    patt = re.compile(pattern)
    return sum([patt.search(word) is not None for word in words])

tox_freqs = map(lambda x: count_words(x, 'tox'), records)

tox_freq = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, tox_freqs)

Practicing how to split for-loops into map() vs reduce() operations will be the key to big data computation in the future (not covered in this class).

What is a lambda function?!

There was a tricky usage of a lambda function above. Overall, lambda just allows us to define a function without giving it a name.

Recall that defining functions often require the declaration like def FUNCTION_NAME(INPUTS): Now imagine if we will only use the function once AND the function is relatively simple. Then it does not seem useful to think of a practical name (recall WHY we have variables). The inputs and function is sufficient. Because of this, you will see lambda functions defined relatively commonly.

A lambda function has a few elements:

A common place to see lambda functions is with pandas.Series.apply() or numpy.apply_along_axis(). For example, if I want to find the power outage events related to only Texas from a messy dataset:

power_outage = pd.DataFrame(
    {'num_customers_impacted': [1000, 2000, 3000],
     'location': ['TX', 'Texas, Oklahoma', 'OK, KS']})
hasTX = power_outage.location.apply(lambda x: 'TX' in x or 'Texas' in x)
tx_outages = power_outage.loc[hasTX, :]