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A place to learn about statistics


Now that you’ve done a bit of coding, it might help to learn a few tricks about debugging your program.

What’s important in this chapter is also the ability to generate quick examples to reproduce errors.

Understanding the error messages

The most common errors a beginner will see are:

Understanding these different type of errors in your context would be key to debugging.

Failing fast is good!

In general, seeing error messages is good! It means you are trying and there are easy mistakes to fix!

The worst errors do not produce error messages

It is important to know that not all errors result in an error message.

Here is a common mistake that produces no error message.

def is_positive(x):
    is_pos = [xi > 0 for xi in x]
    answer = 'negative'
    if is_pos:
        answer = 'positive'
    return answer


This code is incorrect because we would want [-1] to return negative. But more importantly, the desired behavior is another list, the same length as the inputs, reflecting if each element is negative or positive.

The only time is_pos will return False in this case is if x is an empty list. Try bool([]) for why this is the case!

Surprisingly, if we converted the input to numpy.ndarray, we would get helpful error messages, i.e. the True/False status of an array is ambiguous! Sadly, its suggestion for fixing the error is not correct for this particular example.

The code really should be something like:

import numpy as np

def is_positive(x):
    if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        x = np.array(x)
    return np.where(x > 0, 'positive', 'non-positive')

is_positive([1, -1])

Creating test cases

To prevent issues like the one above is to create test cases, i.e. examples with known solutions to test the correctiness of the code. This unfortunately just helps with identifying the correctness but does not fix your code.

For example

input_output = [
  {'input': [1, 2, 0, -1],
   'expected_output': ['positive', 'positive', 'non-positive', 'non-positive']},
  {'input': 1,
   'expected_output': ['positive']},
  {'input': 1,
   'expected_output': ['positive']},
  {'input': -1,
   'expected_output': ['non-positive']},
  {'input': 0,
   'expected_output': ['non-positive']},
  {'input': np.nan,
   'expected_output': [np.nan]}]

for i, case in enumerate(input_output):
  output = is_positive(case['input'])
      check = (output == case['expected_output']).all()
  except AttributeError as e:
    print('could not perform check')
  assert check

The code above should show that the case with NaN values caused the except statement to trigger. This should inform us that the code should handle the case when NaN values are introduced.

There is a whole framework of coding called “test driven development” if you want to learn more from this perspective. Python also has many testing frameworks that makes testing a lot more automated. In general, it’s impossible to cover all edge cases.

Identifying the location of the error

The location of an error is often printed in the error message but this sometimes is not the true cause of the error.

For beginners, I recommend using something similar to the test cases above and double check if objects are behaving as expected when running the code line by line.

To do this, often you may need to unindent your code and fix your for-loop at a specific iteration, remove the function initiation and return statement, or let errors pause your code so you can verify the state of all variables at certain points.

When things get complicated, when you have functions calling your other functions, it may be worthwhile to learn about the pdb package.

Create a minimum reproducible example

The test cases often require you to create example data quickly. Here are a few things to keep in mind when creating examples:

But here are some quick templates

demo_int = -2
demo_float = 1.1
demo_bool = True
demo_list = [1, 'hello']
demo_list = ['world', 'hello']
demo_list = [1, 2]
demo_str = 'hello'
demo_map = {'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2]}
demo_map = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
demo_set = {1, 2}

import numpy as np
demo_array = np.arange(10).reshape(-1, 2)
demo_nan = np.nan
demo_list = [1, np.nan]

import pandas as pd
demo_df = pd.DataFrame({
  'a': [1, 2, 3],
  'b': [-4, 2, 10]})