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A place to learn about statistics

Simulating statistical phenomena

The final problem is for us to see how our computational skills can allow us to use a more diverse set of statistical techniques.

Rather than focusing on new functions and new types of data, the goal is to expose you to “thinking backwards” through these problems.

Validating our calculations with simulation

Most probability calculations you’ve done are likely based on the fact that each outcome is equally likely. For example, what is the probability that you get 2 heads out of 4 (fair) coin tosses?

Each possible coin toss outcome has a chance of \(\frac{1}{2^4}\) of appearing and there are 4 choose 2 (i.e. \(\frac{4!}{2!(4-2)!} = 6\)) ways to have 2 heads appearing so this results in a probability of \(0.375\)

How could we confirm this with a simulation? Recall that the probability of an event is how frequent does it appear over repeated trials. So to confirm this calculation, we need to simulate 4 coin tosses and see what fraction result in 2 heads.

How to formulate the simulation?

This is where it’s best to work backwards!

We want to measure the fraction of 4 coin tosses that have 2 heads exactly.

To link these two chunks of code, we know that outcome should contain the different realizations from repeating this event. Given this is quite repetitive, hopefully you’re thinking of using a for-loop to connect the pieces.

B <- 10000
outcome <- rep(NA, B)
for(i in seq_len(B)){
    coin <- c('head', 'tail')
    tosses <- sample(coin, 4, replace=TRUE)
    num_heads <- sum(tosses == 'head')
    outcome[i] <- num_heads
mean(outcome == 2)

Exercise TBM

Testing pay inequality

There’s a common belief that there’s a pay-gap between men and women. Let’s see if we can detect it in the NYC Payroll Information in 2019, for anyone who started in Jan 2019 under the Police Department. I’ve also inferred the gender based on the first name to create a dataset here.

Let’s first look at the dataset and create a variable that contains all the different types of payment called total_paid

df <- read.csv("processed_nyc_payroll_201901.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
head(df, 3)
pay_types <- c("regular_gross_paid", "total_ot_paid", "total_other_pay")
df['total_paid'] <- apply(df[, pay_types], 1, sum)
boxplot(df$total_paid ~ df$gender_from_name)

income gap

Re-visiting Hypothesis Testing logic

To detect this inequality, we will assume the payroll distributions are equal, then calculate statistics based on the data that demonstrate that the assumption is highly implausible. This is the basic flow of hypothesis testing which is similar to a proof by contradiction.

Given that we’re assuming the pay between men and women are the same, i.e. they have the same distribution, then the average pay must also be the same.

avg_total_pays <- tapply(df$total_paid, df$gender_from_name, mean)
observed_diff <- avg_total_pays['m'] - avg_total_pays['f']
# 2236.717

Under our assumption, any difference we’re observing must be due to chance.

To validate this statement, let’s introduce chance into the data! To do this, we can randomly assign the gender to the original values in total_paid and re-calculate the average difference.

permuted_gender <- sample(df$gender_from_name)
perm_avg_total_pays <- tapply(df$total_paid, permuted_gender, mean)
permuted_diff <- perm_avg_total_pays['m'] - perm_avg_total_pays['f']

If we repeat this calculation, we can get a sense of what would the salary differences look like if the salaries’ relationship with gender were “random”.

B <- 5000
permuted_diffs <- rep(NA, B)
for(i in seq_len(B)){
    permuted_gender <- sample(df$gender_from_name)
    perm_avg_total_pays <- tapply(df$total_paid, permuted_gender, mean)
    permuted_diffs[i] <- perm_avg_total_pays['m'] - perm_avg_total_pays['f']
hist(permuted_diffs, xlab="Diff in Avg Paid ($)",
     main="Distribution of Diff in Avg Paid by Chance")
abline(v=observed_diff, col="red")
legend('topright', legend='Observed Diff in Avg Paid', fill='red')

hist of perm test

To calculate a p-value (if you must), you can simply calculate how many randomized differences were more extreme than the original difference.

permutation_p_val <- mean(abs(permuted_diffs) >= abs(observed_diff))

We would then compare this value against our usual 5% significance level to see if we would reject our null hypothesis.

Small reminder about hypothesis testing! Not rejecting, i.e. p-value greater than 5% does not prove the null hypothesis. The logic is similar to saying it’s not sunny outside your window does not does imply it’s raining in your neighborhood.

Summary of permutation test

What we did was called a permutation test. Intuitively, we compared a statistic based on data vs the statistic based on a simulation that forced the gender and pay to be independent. If they disagree, then we would reject the idea that the data is similar to the case where gender and pay are independent.

If you want to align this with the t-test we taught you before, here are the logical steps:

WARNING: If the relationship is not random, there are many reasons why a difference can surface. Sometimes we attribute the difference to a hypothesis we are rooting for (e.g. discrimination) but the story is almost always more complicated than that.