Wayne's Github Page

A place to learn about statistics

Homework 1: Prerequisite


Homework 1 is meant to give you a concrete understanding of the prerequisites for this class. If you find these challenging, you should reach out to the TA to brush up on these topics.

Q1 - Loading data and applying functions

Please calculate the following statistics for the noise complaints from the dataset graffiti_vs_noise_by_zip_2018.csv on Canvas. You do not need to submit your code but please round the answer to the 5th decimal.

Q2 - Reviewing definitions

Please express \(Var(X + Y)\) using \(Var(X)\), \(Var(Y)\), and \(Cov(X, Y)\).

Q3 - Probability review

Imagine I have a coin with \(P(coin toss = Heads) = p\), write down the probability that I have k heads after tossing the coin n times.

Q4 - Calculus review in finding maximums

Continuing Q3, what value of p would maximize the probability above? Please express the answer in terms of k and n.

Q5 - Logic review

Small reminder, 2 distributions can be the same type of distribution but may not be the same distribution if they do not share the same set of parameters.

Q6 - Algebra with random variables

Let \(Y = f(X)\) where \(X\) is a random variable with \(SD(X)>0\), please mathematically write down a solution for \(f()\) such that \(E(Y)=0\) and \(SD(Y)=1\).

Q7 - Simulation and hypothesis testing review