Wayne's Github Page

A place to learn about statistics

HW1 - Reviewing prerequisites

Context - Olist E-commerce data

Please find the dataset on Kaggle named “Brazilian E-Commerce Public Dataset by Olist”. The goal is to refresh your computing and statistics basics with this homework.

Q1 basic data checks

For each of the following statements, please write a short paragraph that explains your logic and data to verify this question.

Q2 understanding the orders

Please plot the relationship between “order value” vs “the number of unique products” for each order in the dataset. You should decide what is the most appropriate graphic given the dataset.


Please visualize the temporal pattern of Olist orders. Are there seasonal patterns like in the US, e.g. Christmas?


Do the 2 largest cities, defined by total order amount, have different “total order payment” distributions? Please perform a permutation test to test this statement.


Try to predict the time for an order to be delivered after it was paid for using a basic regression model.

WARNING: there are some bad data points you’ll have to make a decision how to handle the data (e.g. if no delivery was ever made)